Top 10k strings from Weather Station - Sample Data (1985)(Arnold Wheaton Software).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 sample L 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 01058316 1103NW0860989Not a nice day for May Day 03058320 1401SW0001010Beautiful summery day 04058320 1601 S0001014Wonderful weather continuing 05058321 1601 S0001010Please stay like this! 06058317 1404 W1041000A typical British summer day! 07058316 1105 W1580995When do the holidays start? 08058314 0806NW1880989Is it that volcano in Mexico? 09058314 1004NW1070992The appalling weather goes on 10058316 1202SE0040998Cotton wool clouds, blue skies11058316 1403SE0221001Sunny, but not hot 12058320 1801 S0001010Swimming costumes out today 13058322 2001 S0001020Phew! It's a scorcher! 14058320 2001 S0021010Nice till evening, then cloudy15058314 0806 N2080985It's 26C in Palma 16058312 1005 N1250989I bought a new anorak today 17058312 0903NE0430992Stopped raining in afternoon 18058314 1004NE0020995Occasional cloud, quite chilly19058314 1202NE2060992Very heavy showers 20058315 1304NE2550990Torrential rain. Good puddles 21058313 1203 N2080994A murky, rai